Cryptographic Hash Function

Cryptographic Hash Function

These are my notes of the first lecture from Coursera’s Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies during Dec 2016 – Feb 2017.

Questions answered in this Post:

  • What is a cryptographic hash function?
  • What are the security properties?
  • What are the applications of some of these properties?
  • What does SHA-256 do at a simple level?

Hash Function

  • takes any string as input
  • fixed size output (256 bit bitcoin uses)
  • efficiently computable (can figure out output in a reasonable amount of time)

Security Properties

  • collision-free
  • hiding
  • puzzle-friendly

Math definition – nobody can find x and y where x != y and H(x) = H(y)

in words:
nobody can find two different input strings so that if you apply the hash function to them, they have the same output.

the idea that nobody can find really means it’s really really really hard to find it….

Note that there has to be a collisions
since you’re going from a much larger input space t a fixed output space (2^256).


Given H(x), it is infeasible to find x.

If r is chosen from a probability distribution that has min-entropy, then given H(r | x), it is infeasible to find x

High min-entropy means that the distribution is “very spread out” so that no particular value is chosen more than negligible probability.

in words: if you are given the hashed version of x then you will be unable to find x

Puzzle Friendly

for every possible output value y,
if k is chosen from a distribution with a high min entropy (super spread out) then it is infeasible to find x such that H(k|x) = y.

If someone wants to target a certain hash function, get some value of y, if part of the input is chosen in a random way, it’s difficult to find another value to target the hash function value.

Given a “puzzle ID” id ( from high min-entropy distribution) and a target set Y:
Try to find a “solution” x such that H(id|x) \in Y.

id | x means id concatenated x

Application of having something collision-free

Hash becomes a message digest meaning that you can use the has as a replacement of the msg
You can use H(x) and H(y) as smaller forms of the input string.

So if H(x) = H(y) then x = y.
Technically H(x) is only 256 bits while the x can be of some large arbitrary length

Application of puzzle friendly

Puzzle friendly property implies that no solving strategy is much better than trying random values of x

Application of the hiding property

In words, the idea is that you want to create a secret message that you can put in a public envelope.

Commitment API – to help explain public envelope example

Want to “seal a value in an envelope” and “open the envelope” later

Commit to a value, reveal it later

(com, key) := commit(msg)
match := verify(com, key, msg)

To seal msg in envelope:
(com, key) := commit(msg) — then publish com

To open envelope:
publish key, msg
anyone can use verify(com, key, msg) to check validity

Want two security properties:
Hiding: given com, infeasible to find msg;
Binding: infeasible to find msg != msg’ such that
verify(commit(msg, msg’) == true

commit(msg) := (H(key | msg), key) where key is 256 bit
verify(com, key, msg) := (H(key|msg) == com)

More about the Security Properties

key is a randomly generated 256 bit value

Hiding: Given H(key | msg) infeasible to find mg
Binding: Infeasible to find msg != msg’ such that
H(key | msg) == H(key | msg’)

Basically can’t find two different messages where you committed to one and verified with another one.

So you use the hash function in both commit and verify

What hash function will we use? SHA-256

Step by Step of what SHA-256 does
  1. You have an input message of an arbitrary length
  2. You also have a 256 bit value called IV (Initialization Vector (
  3. The input string gets broken up into 512 bit blocks and we’ll reference them as block_1, block_2, block_3, and block_n will be the last block. The last block will also contain padding where the last 64 bits is the length of the input message and prior to that is a 1{0*}.
  4. The 256 bit value and block_1 come together as inputs to a compression function (c) which basically squashes the 768 bits back into 256 bits.
  5. Next the output of c gets mashed with block_2 and to the compression function and out pops a 256 bit value.
  6. This continues along the entire length of the message where the last output is Voila, the hash.

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